
S.C.O.R.E: Multimedia Director

Duties and Powers of the Multimedia Director:

1. Create a yearly binder with information about the Commission including pictures, articles, fliers, minutes, and any other relevant material.

2. Handle public relations for the Commission, including publicizing programs and workshops to the campus community.

3. Maintain and update all social media outlets for official SCORE business.

4. Hold two (2) regularly scheduled office hours per week.

CODE: Gender and Sexual Equity Outreach Coordinator

APPLY HERE: https://forms.gle/N8RetHpSBbVzh3jz8

Duties and Powers of the Gender and Sexual Equity Outreach Coordinator:

1. Serve as a liaison to Fem. Studies listservs, Women’s Center, A.S. Trans & Queer Commission, student orgs, etc. to publicize Commission programs.

2. Represent the Commission during relevant meetings and events to address accessibility concerns.

3. Works collaboratively with general members to organize and facilitate events or community spaces regarding the intersection of heterocissexism and ableism at least once (1) per quarter.

CODE: DSP Liaison

APPLY HERE: https://forms.gle/N8RetHpSBbVzh3jz8

Duties and Powers of the DSP Liaison:

1. Meet with administrators and students from the office of the Disabled Students Program at least three (3) times per quarter.

2. Establish and maintain a working relationship with DSP, and report DSP specialist feedback on student population to the Commission.

3. Provide direct feedback and collaboration with DSP peer mentor events.

4. Provide updates on CODE’s activities to DSP.

A.S. Zero Waste Committee: Compost Coordinator

Duties and Powers of the ASZWC Compost Coordinators:

1. Work with UCSB’s Housing and Dining’s Environmental & Energy Programs Manager to expand composting infrastructure in the residence halls.

2. Work with RHA Environmental Awareness Chairs to host educational workshops on composting.

3. Gather feedback from the campus community regarding compost infrastructure and projects.

4. Work with key campus stakeholders such as Facilities Management’s Refuse, Recycling & Water Efficiency Manager and AS Recycling to expand/improve campus compost infrastructure.

5. Research and applying for grant opportunities to improve compost infrastructure and programs on campus

6. Work with Public Outreach Coordinator to encourage composting on campus through multiple mediums.

7. Attend every meeting unless an excused absence is obtain. Maintain necessary communication with the committee regardless of attendance.

8. Meet with Co-Chairs and Advisor at least twice per quarter.

9. Maintain records of progress for current and future ZWC members.

AS Zero Waste: Activities Coordinator

Duties and Responsibilities of the ASZWC Activities Coordinator:

1. Organize at least 4 events each quarter, with each event being:

a) A mandatory leadership retreat (required for officers, optional for members), coordinated with Co-Chairs in the first 4 weeks.

b) Workshops promoting the reduction of waste.

c) Volunteer events that nurture the environment.

2) Work with officers to create events to promote a zero waste lifestyle.

3) Collaborate with other entities to put on activities.

4) Oversee social events for the internal committee.

5) Attend every meeting unless an excused absence is obtained. Maintain necessary communication with the committee regardless of attendance.

6) Meet with Co-Chairs at least twice per quarter.

7) Maintain records of progress for current and future ZWC members.

IAC: Member at Large

Duties and Powers of the Member at Large:

1. Represent student interests at Internal Affairs Meetings

2. Attend IAC Meetings

3. Maintain active communication with all board members

IAC: Administrative Director

Duties and Powers of the Administrative Director:

1. Maintain senate and committee website, shoreline, social media groups, pages, and accounts and update them regularly with events the committee organizes and sponsors, with articles and news stories relevant to the legislative actions in the Senate or the IAC.

2. Ensure IAC minutes and agenda are in good orders and submitted to the Internal Vice President in a timely manner.

3. Act as the minute taker in case of absence of the minute taker.

4. In charge of planning committee events.

5. Other Duties Assigned by the Advisors or the Chair.

Legislative Analysts

Duties and Responsibilities of the Legislative Analyst(s):

1. Study by-law changes introduced in the Senate and in the Standing Committees.

2. Study administrative, temporary committee, and BCU minutes.

3. Assess changes and impact legislation and committee action would have to the senate and the association.

4. Produce Summary reports of legislative and committee action preferably before each meeting.

5. Assist the Administrative Director in creating legislative updates to students.

GGC: Outreach Coordinator

Duties of Outreach Coordinator:

1. Shall serve as a liaison between the committee and the staff for the Residence Hall Association.

2.  Shall assist RHA in the creation of programs and events that may align in conjunction with many of GGC’s projects, campaigns, and initiatives.

3. Shall attend at least two (2) RHA Coordinating Board meetings and five (5) residence hall council and/or hall council executive board meetings per quarter.

4. Shall provide a weekly report to the commission with international community concerns specific to the day-to-day life, community, and atmosphere in the on-campus residence halls and any ongoing updates and cooperative efforts from and within RHA.

5. Shall promote the overall cultural visibility of international students within the UCSB student body.

6. Shall advocate for cultural understanding between different international student communities as well as other culturally based communities at UCSB.

7. Shall be responsible for maintaining GGC’s relationships with the various international community organizations and their respective leaders.

8. Shall provide a weekly report to the commission on the activities of the various international community organizations.

9. Shall hold a minimum of two (2) office hours per week.

10. Be responsible for supporting cross-cultural relationships between international students on campus as well as advocating for housing concerns of international students

11. Shall serve as an available aid to the chairs and other commission members in their event and project planning.


GGC: Marketing and Publicity Director

Duties of Marketing and Publicity Director:

1. Work with media outlets to publish timely commission information, such as press releases, flyers, brochures, and other materials.

2. Be responsible for organizing and releasing any university email announcements about GGC.

3. Be responsible for creating and organizing all promotional material for GGC

4. Shall oversee the advertising and marketing strategies for all events and the Commission in general.

5. Develop and enact at least one (1) campus-wide promotional or marketing campaigns per quarter

6. Work closely with the Media Relations Committee, OISS, and various UCSB academic departments to help promote events.

7. Maintain and monitor all commission social media accounts, including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

8. Work with Special Projects Coordinators during planning of events to determine advertising and publicity needs, strategies, budgets, deadlines, etc.

9. Shall hold a minimum of two (2) office hours per week.

10. Shall serve as an available aid to the chairs and other commission members in their event and project planning.

GGC: Special Projects Officer

Duties of Special Projects Officers:

1. Special Project Officers will actively work on special projects that will benefit the status of international students at UCSB.

2. Create a strategy chart and give themselves a set of deadlines that will lead to completion of the project. a) At the end of the quarter turn in a debrief of the progress made in the quarter and any changes the project may need.

3. Keep an updated list of current ongoing projects.

4. Shall keep an accurate record of attendance at all events to improve future planning efforts.

5. Shall actively seek advice/meet with the Co-Chairs to learn and develop new skills and to review project goals when projects progress or change.

6. Shall hold a minimum of two (2) office hours per week.

7. Shall serve as an available aid to the chairs and other commission members in their event and project planning.

GGC: Co-Chair

Duties and Powers of Co-Chair(s):

1. Schedule, prepare the agenda, and co-chair the weekly committee meetings at an announced time and location.

2. Hold a minimum of three (3) regularly scheduled office hours per week, to be held in the AS Main office, AS Annex, University Center, or a visible location in Isla Vista.

3. Attend at least one (1) non-consecutive Senate meetings per quarter to report on the Committee’s actions each.

4. Make verbal or written recommendations from Global Gaucho Commission or ISAB to Senate on all Associated Students’ bills relating to the UCSB and Isla Vista Community.

5. Schedule the GGC quarterly event and/or project in conjunction with the Special Projects Officers.

6. Shall conduct one-on-one once a quarter with all over GGC officers.

7. Shall schedule the quarterly retreat.

8. Promote GGC involvement through weekly recognition.

9. In conjunction with the Treasurer, shall prepare Committee’s budget for the following year.

10. Attend at least one (1) International Student Advisory Board meeting and one (1) ISA (International Student Association) meeting, or any other inclusive international student OSL each.

11. Shall act as liaisons to OISS and shall be points of contact for any A.S. related matters.

12. As needed, meet with and advise the Associated Students President, and the Associated Students Senate on all matters pertaining to student life or issues pertaining to the international student community.

13. Work to nurture the relationship between UCSB and the international student community, which may entail the creation of public forums and/or special events/projects in Isla Vista.

14. Shall attend at least one (1) SCORE (Student Commission on Racial Equality) meeting per quarter.

15. Shall attend at least one (1) Public and Mental Health Commission meeting per quarter.

16. Shall attend at least one (1) Transfer Student Alliance meeting per quarter.

Human Rights Publicity Board: Social Media Coordinator

Duties for Social Media Coordinator:

1. Shall be responsible for advertising and publicity for all Human Rights Board events on HRB social media accounts

2. Shall act as a liaison for the Human Rights Board to campus and social media.

3. Shall report all events on HRB social media accounts

4. Shall collaborate with advertising coordinator as needed

5. Shall attend all ASHRB Publicity meetings

6. Shall help subcommittees with publicity as necessary

 Note: should have experience with Canva

Human Rights Publicity Board: Graphic Designer

Duties for Graphic Designer:

1. Shall be responsible for creating logos and other designs as needed for all Human Rights Board and subcommittee events

2.  Shall assist other members of ASHRB Publicity

3.  Shall attend all ASHRB Publicity meetings

4. Shall help subcommittees with publicity as necessary

Note: Experience with Adobe Creative Suite preferred

Human Rights Publicity Board: Advertising Coordinator

Duties for Advertising Coordinator: 
1. Shall be responsible for advertising and publicity for all Human Rights Board events.

2. Shall coordinate all tabling events for HRB events

3. Shall be responsible for physical advertising material (digiknows, flyers, posters, stickers, shirts, etc.)

4. Shall collaborate with social media coordinator as needed

5. Shall attend all ASHRB Publicity meetings

6.  Shall help subcommittees with publicity as necessary

UCIV: Board Representative

UCIV is a public program that acts as a mediator between police officers and the community. In the wake of an ever-increasing police presence within Isla Vista, the EVPLA office finds it imperative to look for alternative methods to law enforcement responses in our community. To ensure all residents and UCSB Students of all backgrounds feel protected and at peace in Isla Vista, a student-led mediator program between police officers and the community is needed now more than ever. One way we hope to increase initiatives for a community-based first response to safety concerns is through UCIV! This application will be used for those interested in both the chair position and representative positions.
Please note the application closes on December 1st at 11:59 PM!
Board Representative Duties:
  1. Representatives must work at least six (6) days (Friday or Saturday night) per quarter and attend a quarterly training to earn full honoraria. Note: this means that each Friday or Saturday night worked will pay $50 for working a shift from 9pm-12am.

  2. Representatives will be charged with the responsibility to:

    1. Keep an eye out for residents’ safety and on law enforcement.

    2. Distribute water at AS water stations throughout IV

    3. Connect medical services to those in need

    4. Escort residents to their homes or the Pardall Center Safe Space

    5. Offer warnings to residents in violation of ordinances in order to prevent possible citations

    6. Educate students on cliff and balcony safety


UCIV is a public program that acts as a mediator between police officers and the community. In the wake of an ever-increasing police presence within Isla Vista, the EVPLA office finds it imperative to look for alternative methods to law enforcement responses in our community. To ensure all residents and UCSB Students of all backgrounds feel protected and at peace in Isla Vista, a student-led mediator program between police officers and the community is needed now more than ever. One way we hope to increase initiatives for a community-based first response to safety concerns is through UCIV! This application will be used for those interested in both the chair position and representative positions.
Please note the application closes on December 1st at 11:59 PM!
Chair Duties:
  • Attend weekly EVPLA office meetings
  • Presides over UCIV Steering Committee meetings
  • Responsible for the formulation of the agenda for UCIV Collaborative Board Meetings
  • Responsible for formulating a report of the meeting to be forwarded to Safety Commission and the External Vice President for Local Affairs Office
  • Acts as one of the supervisors for UCIV
  • Assists in formulating and maintaining the inventory of UCIV items
  • Coordinates trainings for representatives to learn to understand implicit bias and the importance of anti-bias and anti-discrimination in acting as a safety representative for the community, how to call first responders, use Narcan/naloxone testing strips, prevent roofying, use fentanyl and roofying test strips.
  • Work with the Alcohol and Drug Program, Gauchos for Recovery and Overdose Prevention Program to establish safety efforts in regard to drug and alcohol consumption for community members.

Committee on Honoraria: Student Representatives-at-Large

Duties of the Student Representatives-at-Large:
  • Attend at least three (3) Senate meetings per quarter.
  • Attend at least two (2) Finance and Business Committee meetings per quarter.
  • Attend at least one (1) meeting of each entity that qualifies for honoraria per quarter.
  • Assist the Director of Accountability in the creation of the accountability report and the completion of their duties.
  • Maintain active contact with the chairs (or equivalent) of all entities and student representatives in order to determine the extent to which all officers and representatives have fulfilled their job descriptions.

BNC Campus Project Liaison

  1. In charge of keeping the committee informed of projects and activities being undertaken by other organizations on campus so as to avoid overlap and miscommunication.


Apply here: https://forms.gle/msS8xGfUhh1AKi339

Student At Large – External Affairs Committee (EAC)

The External Affairs Committee serves as the research and advocacy branch of the Associated Students Senate, responsible for overseeing all Associated Students activities regarding local, UC system, state, and federal government affairs.


Apply Here: https://forms.gle/rfqipaGVL25GDxAE7

GGC Mental Health Advocate

  1. Shall promote awareness of international student mental health issues locally, nationally, and in the University of California system.
  2. Shall proactively advocate for and find ways to address mental health needs in the international student community.
  3. Shall actively act as a liaison between the Global Gaucho Commission and CAPS is responsible for: – Helping to bring about cooperative efforts between the Global Gaucho Commission and CAPS. Advocating for equal access of CAPS and other mental health resources for the international community to and within CAPS. Keeping track of any changes within CAPS.
  4. Shall provide a weekly report to the commission with current mental health concerns in the international student community and any ongoing updates and cooperative efforts from and with CAPS.
  5. Shall hold a minimum of two (2) office hours per week.
  6. Shall serve as an available aid to the chairs and other committee members in their event and project planning.

CCAJJ Graduate Student Liaison

  1. Serve as liaisons between underrepresented graduate student organizations and undergraduate student organizations in collaborating towards CCAJJ mission and goals.

  2. Shall attend weekly CCAJJ meetings unless otherwise specified by the chairs.

  3. Shall help build awareness and spread publicity of CCAJJ initiatives and programs within their academic departments and graduate student networks.

  4. Serve a term of one (1) academic year

CCAJJ Senate Liaison

  1. Attends regular CCAJJ general body and executive board meetings
  2. Serves as a liaison between the A.S. Senate and CCAJJ, both as an active legislator and on relevant issues presented in the Senate.
  3. Draft legislation pertinent to CCAJJ’s mission statement on the request of the Commission.
  4. Attends CCAJJ’s events to the best of their ability.
  5. Provides resources and networks for CCAJJ to thrive
  6. Serve a term of one (1) academic year

CCAJJ BCU (Boards Commissions & Units) Liaison

  1. Attends regular CCAJJ general body and executive board meetings
  2. Serves as a liaison between CCAJJ and other A.S BCU for possible collaborations
  3. Attends CCAJJ’s events to the best of their ability.
  4. Serve a term of one (1) academic year

CCAJJ Education Coordinator

  1. The Education Coordinator shall organize and execute workshops, educational programs, and field trips on and off campus to promote the CCAJJ mission statement.
  2. The Education Coordinator shall serve as a liaison between CCAJJ and other organizations on the UCSB campus dealing with diversity training and cultural competencies
  3. Serve a term of one (1) academic year

CCAJJ Publicity Director

  1. The Publicity Director shall be the director of all publicity related communications 

  2. The Publicity Director shall manage the website and social media accounts connected with CCAJJ and shall promote all CCAJJ events

  3. The Publicity Director  shall hold recruitment events on an as-needed basis.

  4. The Publicity Director shall be in contact with campus and local organizations such as newspapers and radio stations to assist with our publicity campaigns

  5. Serve a term of one (1) academic year

COH: Student Representatives At Large

  1. Attend at least three (3) Senate meetings per quarter.
  2. Attend at least two (2) Finance and Business Committee meetings per quarter.
  3. Attend at least one (1) meeting of each entity that qualifies for honoraria per quarter.
  4. Assist the Director of Accountability in the creation of the accountability report and the completion of their duties.
  5. Maintain active contact with the chairs (or equivalent) of all entities and student representatives in order to determine the extent to which all officers and representatives have fulfilled their job descriptions.

GGC: Marketing and Publicity Director

  1. Work with media outlets to publish timely commission information, such as press releases, flyers, brochures, and other materials.
  2. Be responsible for organizing and releasing any university email announcements about GGC.
  3. Shall oversee the advertising and marketing strategies for all events and the Commission in general in conjunction with the Creative Branding Director.
  4. Work closely with the Media Relations Committee, OISS, and various UCSB academic departments to help promote events.
  5. Maintain and monitor all commission social media accounts, including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
  6. Work with Special Projects Coordinators during planning of events to determine advertising and publicity needs, strategies, budgets, deadlines, etc.
  7. Shall hold a minimum of two (2) office hours per week.
  8. Shall serve as an available aid to the chairs and other commission members in their event and project planning.

CoVo: Board Member

  1. Perform any and all duties imposed on them collectively or individually by the Mission Statement and/or these bylaws.
  2. Review project applications to consider funding of those found consistent with the Mission Statement.
  3. Supervise grant recipients to assure that their activities and spending are performed properly, legally, and ethically.
  4. Attend all CoVo Foundation meetings.
  5. Represent the Foundation on matters pertinent to their jurisdiction and the Foundation Mission Statement, delivering talks before professional, civil, student and lay groups and participating in conferences.

CoVo: Treasurer

  1. Perform all At-Large Undergraduate Student duties.
  2. Hold three (3) Foundation office hours per week.
  3. Manage the finances of the Foundation, which entails keeping a detailed and accurate assessment of funds given out and remaining.
  4. Create a quarterly and annual report under the supervision of the Chair.

Zero Waste Committee: Administrative Coordinator

  1. Attend every meeting unless an excused absence is obtained.
  2. Take minutes at every meeting unless an excused absence is obtained.
  3. Attend an official A.S. Agenda & Minute Taking Template Workshop prior to starting the position in the Fall, unless they previously held the position and already attended and completed the workshop.
  4. Compose and send out via email, the Zero Waste Committee’s weekly newsletter after every meeting.
  5. Send weekly minutes in Word document format to all necessary email accounts in order to obtain Senate approval.
  6. Handle all room reservations.
  7. Manage an active event calendar for the committee.

A.S. Zero Waste Committee: Athletics Coordinator

Duties and Powers of the Athletics Coordinator:

  1. Serve as a liaison between the Zero Waste Committee and other campus organizations or other entities (both on and off-campus)
  2. Work closely with the Athletics Department and Student-Athlete Advisory Committee to organize zero-waste athletic programs.
  3. Work with the Housing and Dining’s Concessions Manager to develop sustainable food options for athletic events.
  4. Work with Facilities Management’s Refuse, Recycling, and Water Efficiency as well as A.S. Recycling to implement and improve waste disposal infrastructure for the athletic programs.
  5. Attend every meeting unless an excused absence is obtained.
  6. Work with the Public Outreach Coordinator to encourage zero-waste athletic culture through Digiknows, tabling, and email listserv.

A.S. Zero Waste Committee: Festival Coordinator

Duties and Powers of the Festival Coordinator:

  1. Serve as a liaison between the Zero Waste Committee and other campus organizations or other entities (both on and off campus) for the Zero Waste Festival.
  2. Attend every meeting unless an excused absence is obtained.
  3. Organize a Zero Waste Festival Planning Team to help with tasks related to the Zero Waste Festival.
  4. Hold the Zero Waste Festival in Winter or Spring Quarter.
  5. Allocate funding for the expenses of the Zero Waste Festival.

CMG: Queer and Trans Coordinator

Duties and Powers of the Queer and Trans Coordinator:

  1. Shall maintain awareness of concerns and issues within the LGBTQIA+ community
  2. Shall host at least one (1) event or program per quarter that aid the LGBTQIA+ community.
  3. Shall maintain a strong connection to the LGBTQIA+ community on-campus and in the community. Shall serve as a liaison to the A.S. Trans & Queer Commission, RCSGD, and student organizations.
  4. Shall keep the rest of the committee up to date on concerns within the LGBTQIA+ community.
  5. Shall hold a minimum of two (2) office hours per week.
  6. Attend all commission meetings.

CMG: Ourstorian

  1. Shall be responsible for the recruitment of Committee members of two to five (2-5) people.
  2. Have ultimate responsibility for the fiscal management of the Women’s Journal (e.g. fundraising, sponsorship, and donations).
  3. Oversee the production and distribution of Ourstory.
  4. Explore the controversial and complicated issues of identity anthologies, the politics of publication, and artistic/political expression.
  5. Shall hold at least two (2) regularly scheduled office hours each week.
  6. Attend all commission meetings.

CMG: Administrative Chair

  1. Record and be responsible for the distribution of minutes to members, officers, and Senate.
    • Distribute minutes to members upon request.
    • Keep a record of all meeting attendees and an update list of all voting members.
  2. Hold two (2) regularly scheduled office hours per week.
  3. Work with Co-Chairs to address all emails in a timely fashion.
  4. Attend all commission meetings.

CMG Treasurer

  1. Maintain an updated record of the budget that will be updated weekly and includes all expenditures of the commission and distribute to all officers on a regular basis.
  2. Present tri-weekly reports on what funds remain in the budget for the quarter for Commission for Marginalized Genders.
  3. Assist the Co-Chairs in preparation of the next year’s budget.
  4. Attend Senate Finance and Business Committee budget hearings with co-chairs.
  5. Shall be responsible for preparing the requisition forms for the allocation of funding of groups and organizations that have been approved by the commission.
  6. Hold two (2) regularly schedule office hours per week.
  7. Attend all commission meetings.

CMG Co-Chairs

  1.  Stay abreast of the political environment on campus and in the community.
  2.  Facilitate all Commission meetings.
  3. Handle public relations for the Commission and shall be the official spokespersons for the Commission.
  4. Have ultimate responsibility for the fiscal management of the entire Commission, including the preparation of the budget for the following year with the Treasurer.
  5. Present at least two (2) reports to the Senate per quarter regarding the activities of the Commission.
  6. Coordinate the operations of all Committees and attempt to be of help in any problems or issues which may arise.
  7. Plan yearly retreat with new incoming Board.
  8. Attempt to establish and maintain communication among women, non-binary, and trans* organizations throughout the UC system.
  9. Hold a minimum of three (3) regularly scheduled office hours per week.
  10. Shall attend all meetings of the A.S. Senate and at least one (1) ASUCSB Workgroup.
  11. Attend all commission meetings.

ARAC Tutor

America Reads America Counts (ARAC) hires UCSB work-study students to tutor local elementary age students.

(Offering Both Virtual and In-Person Tutoring options)

Each ARAC Tutor is expected to encourage students in the subject areas of Reading and Mathematics, and to support children in their school development. Tutors work with kindergarten through sixth grade students in completing homework in all subjects. Tutors perform work with individual students, group work, and design activities to engage student learning.
Requires a full year commitment. High energy level and flexibility needed.
Must be background checked and TB tested as required by the State of California.
Tutors are expected to commit to work consistent hours, and to participate in monthly staff meetings, orientations and training programs as needed.
*This is a Work-Study ONLY job. If you do not have work-study you are not eligible to apply.
*To Apply, you must attach a resume and answer the questions.
Visit Website for more on ARAC : https://americareads.as.ucsb.edu/

Office of the President: Continuing Projects Coordinator

Please Apply Here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe0eWCsVNoKuDomUaQNzLt3QrI45IwCF0npkRnPeuIYlmzQhw/viewform

Continuing Projects Coordinator

The Continuing Projects Coordinator will be knowledgeable of all short-term, and especially long- term projects the President is working on. They will stay up to date with those projects in order to advise and inform the incoming President throughout their first quarter in office.

1) Must meet with the AS Executive Director once (1) a quarter to stay informed of ongoing projects within AS and ongoing projects external to AS, particularly in the administration of UCSB, that affect the student body.
2) Shall attend at least two (2) AS Senate meetings per quarter, however, should not feel compelled to report quarterly on continuing projects.
3) Hold a weekly one-on-one meeting with the President.
4) Attend meetings with the President that involve long-term projects and take notes/minutes that should include project timeline, project goals, parties involved, people involved etc.
5) Serve two (2) office hours per week dedicated to fulfilling all responsibilities of the position.
6) Serve a term of at least four (4) quarters over the span of two (2) academic years.

Associated Students Office of the President (ASOP): Executive Assistant

Please Apply Here ->  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe0eWCsVNoKuDomUaQNzLt3QrI45IwCF0npkRnPeuIYlmzQhw/viewform

Executive Assistant

Is responsible for enhancing the President’s effectiveness by providing management support, collecting information and representing the Office of the President.

1) Be knowledgeable on BCUs and other executive office matters to report to the President and staff
2) Maintain the President’s appointment schedule by planning and scheduling meetings, teleconferences, e-conferences, and travel.
3) Produce information by transcribing, formatting, inputting, editing, retrieving, copying, and transmitting text, data, and graphics
4) Represent the executive by attending meetings in the executive’s absence and speaking on behalf of the executive
5) Serve at least two (2) office hours a week dedicated to organizing and maintaining the Office of the President
6) Serve a term of one (1) academic year
7) It is strongly recommended that the person applying for this position has experience using Canva and Google Calendar, but this is not required

Associated Students Office of the President (ASOP): Coordinator for Artistic and Cultural Affairs

Please Apply Here ->  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe0eWCsVNoKuDomUaQNzLt3QrI45IwCF0npkRnPeuIYlmzQhw/viewform

Coordinator for Artistic and Cultural Affairs

Will provide student input to administrative bodies, is responsible for promoting the diverse arts and cultures of UC Santa Barbara as a way to create dialogue, and ensure UCSB’s varied arts and cultures are recognized and acknowledged.

1) Act as a liaison to the MultiCultural Center, OISS (Office of International Students and Scholars), the Isla Vista Arts Board, and Arts and Lectures.
2) Work in coordination with the above entities and the Office of the President to identify areas of improvement in the recognition and acknowledgement of various artistic and cultural events and activities throughout campus, and create policy proposals and resolutions that will promote these improvements
3) Stay informed on all actions, legislations, and pending business of the Academic Senate and Administrative Advisory Committees that deal with artistic and cultural issues and, to the best of their ability, advocate on behalf of students when issues that affect students are discussed.
4) Attend 3 artistic/cultural events per quarter that the AS President or the Coordinator does not personally identify with as a representative of the Office of the President
5) Serve at least two (2) office hours a week dedicated, in non-AS affiliated spaces.
6) Serve a term of one (1) academic year

Associated Students Office of the President (ASOP): Commissioner of Community and Climate

Please Apply Here ->  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe0eWCsVNoKuDomUaQNzLt3QrI45IwCF0npkRnPeuIYlmzQhw/viewform

Commissioner of Community and Climate

The Commissioner of Community and Climate, herein referred to as the C.C. Commissioner is responsible for assessing the social climate within the Office of the President and building a community within the office as well as the executive branch of Associated Students.

1) Serves a term of at least four (4) quarters over the span of (2) academic years, beginning in Winter Quarter of each academic year.
2) Facilitates bonding events within the Office of the President to curate a positive working environment among staff members.
3) Administer three (3) mid-quarter evaluations (1 each quarter) within the Office of the President to analyze staff climate, and must report this information during President’s office meetings.
4) Lead bi-weekly meetings with the other A.S. executive offices’ Commissioners of Community and Climate.
5) Shall hold at least two (2) office hours per week.

AS Office of the President (ASOP): Transfer Student Coordinator

Please Apply Here ->  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe0eWCsVNoKuDomUaQNzLt3QrI45IwCF0npkRnPeuIYlmzQhw/viewform

Position that require you to be from a certain demographic or identity:

Transfer Student Coordinator (requires you to be a transfer student)

1) Act as a liaison to the Transfer Student Center and the Transfer Student Alliance.
2) Work in coordination with the Transfer Student Senator and the Office of the President to identify areas of needed improvement in the accessibility and inclusivity of various student services and facilities like the Transfer Student Orientation, and create policy proposals and resolutions that will promote these improvements.
3) Stay informed on all actions, legislations, and pending business of the Academic Senate and Administrative Advisory Committees that deal with transfer student issues and, to the best of their ability, advocate on behalf of students when issues that affect students are discussed.
4) Serve at least two (2) office hours per week dedicated to fulfilling all responsibilities of the position
5) Serve a term of one (1) academic year.

Associated Students Office of the President (ASOP): Director of Dream Scholar Affairs

Please Apply Here -> https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe0eWCsVNoKuDomUaQNzLt3QrI45IwCF0npkRnPeuIYlmzQhw/viewform

Position that require you to be from a certain demographic or identity:

Director of Dream Scholar Affairs (requires you to be an undocumented student, work authorization not required)

1) Attend all Dream Scholar Resource Team (DSRT) meetings.
2) Collaborate with Committees on Committees to inform undocumented students about Associated Students and to create a welcoming environment
3) Coordinate and advertise all services and resources related to the undocumented community.
4) Establish and maintain a relationship between IDEAS, the undocumented student support and advocacy group at UCSB, and Associated Students as well as attend all general body meetings
5) Facilitate the creation and maintenance of a resource page for undocumented students on the AS website
6) Hold at least two (2) office hours per week
7) Host at least 1 event every quarter to promote awareness about the undocumented community within Associated Students
8) Keep the A.S. President and Senators up-to-date with current events and information pertinent to the undocumented community
9) Serve a term of one (1) academic year
10) Serve as the official representative to the President on all matters concerning undocumented students.

International Student Engagement Coordinator

Duties and Powers 1) International Coordinators are international students who are newly introduced to UCSB and the UCSB LGBTQIA+ community.
2)  Stay abreast of the political environment and issues pertaining to the Trans & Queer Community on an international level and give brief updates to the commission at each meeting. 3)  Serve as a liaison & attend meetings to other campus organizations whose mission statement seeks to improve the status of students with queer sexualities and genders for international students and their allies, such as Queer Asian Pacific Islanders (QTAPI) and UndocuQueer and UndocuTrans. 4)  Work with the Vice (Pride) Chairs to ensure at least one international outreach/advocacy event is planned for UCSB Pride Week. 5)  Hold a minimum of two (2) regularly scheduled office hours per week.