All Shared Governance Positions

Academic Program Review Panel - (No Openings)
The Program Review Panel is a campus committee that oversees program reviews of academic departments at UCSB with the goal of assessing and improving academic quality. The committee is composed of ten faculty members, and includes as non-voting representatives one undergraduate student and one graduate student. PRP is advised by the Director, Academic Program Review from the Office of Budget and Planning.




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Academic Senate - (No Openings)




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Calendar Committee - (No Openings)
Committee is responsible for advising on the annual calendar (academic and administrative) in accordance with the Office of the President guidelines.




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Campus Bias Response Team - (No Openings)
The mission of the Campus Bias Response Team is to promote an inclusive and respectful campus community at UC Santa Barbara through proactive education, dialogue, and responsive action to climate or bias-related incidents and to local, national, and international events. Meetings will review campus incidents and current events related to multicultural issues. The committee will plan opportunities for dialogue and follow-up.




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Campus Elections Commission - (No Openings)
Makes recommendations to the Chancellor on all issues related to campus-wide elections. This includes (but is not limited to) ballot wording, election timing, election operations, policies, practices, and violations. Centralizes, publicizes, coordinates and conducts all campus-wide student elections. Educates the voters about the scope, financial implications, pros and cons of each ballot measure being placed before the electorate. Assures that campus-wide elections are conducted in a fair and efficient manner.




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Campus Regulations Committee - (No Openings)




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Campus Sustainability Committee - (No Openings)
On October 22, 2008, Chancellor Henry Yang announced the members of the inaugural Campus Sustainability Committee. This committee will advise the Chancellor and campus administrators on matters of campus sustainability, make recommendations on sustainability initiatives, help prioritize and monitor the execution and progress of the campus sustainability plan toward our goals, make recommendations on allocations of available funding resources, and provide guidance in the creation and fostering of alliances. The committee will conduct an ongoing and thorough consultative process to solicit campus input in developing our vision to enhance our international leadership in this critically important area, using the Campus Sustainability Plan as a blueprint for our campus's sustainability efforts.




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Career Services Advisory Committee - (No Openings)
Provide oversight and direction for UCSB's career center.




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Chemical Safety Committee - (No Openings)
Provides advice on: the safe use and appropriate disposal of chemicals on campus; chemical safety policies; strategies for implementing regulatory requirements; the development of the most cost effective and efficient ways to accomplish all of the above; rates and recharges for chemical disposal; chemical program.




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Child Care Advisory Committee - (No Openings)
The committee will review and advise issues related to childcare on campus and in Isla Vista.




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Collaborate Advisory Committee - (No Openings)
Our hope for a member would be for someone to represent the unique perspective of students in the realm of instruction, operating in both student and instructor roles.




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Committee on Admissions, Enrollment and Relations with Schools - (No Openings)
Handles UCSB Admissions Policy




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Committee on Diversity and Equity - (No Openings)
Purpose. To work towards attaining the campus goals of diversity and equity and actively pursue the goals of affirmative action.




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Committee on International Education - (No Openings)
To provide advice and consent on all matters of international education and exchange, including practice that impacts exchange students and scholars.




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Council on Faculty Issues and Awards - (No Openings)
Our purpose is to study and make recommendations on any matter of interest and welfare of the campus community, and to reward excellence in research and teaching.




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Council on Research and Instructional Resources - (No Openings)
Our purpose is to promote an optimal research and educational environment, to manage Senate resources and provide advice in a manner that fosters quality and diversity of research and instructional programs.
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Counseling Services Advisory Committee - (No Openings)
Provides oversight and direction for UCSB's counseling center.




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Design Review Committee - (No Openings)
The Design Review Committee (DRC) is a committee comprised of faculty, staff, student representatives, and consulting architects that operates jointly under the aegis of the campus administration and the Academic Senate. It reports directly to the Chancellor and makes recommendations to the Campus Planning Committee on issues of architectural and landscape design at UCSB. It considers campus planning, architecture, landscape architecture, and the integration of art into the campus landscape.




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Diving Control Board - (No Openings)
The Diving Control Board (DCB) is a policy making body for diving on the UCSB Campus. The DCB provides focus and guidance to the Diving Officer, and has responsibility to: establish and/or approve training programs and diving projects; recommend changes in policy and procedure; review and approve proposals for research which require diving under UCSB auspices; recommend new equipment or techniques; review, revise, and assure compliance with the diving safety manual.




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Elections Commission - (No Openings)
The commission is charged with centralizing, coordinating, and conducting all non-favulty, non-staff, and non-student government election processes; providing resources, experience, continuity, and expertise necessary to conduct fair and efficient elections; and making recommendations on the timing, guidelines, policies, and practices relating to campus-wide elections.




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Events Center Governance Board - (No Openings)
The board that governs the event center!




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Financial Aid Advisory Committee - (No Openings)
Committee is responsible for providing advice and recommendations on policy and procedural issues to the director and staff of the Financial Aid Office.




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Getman and Villa Awards Committee - (No Openings)




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Green Initiative Fund - (No Openings)
The Green Initiative Fund (TGIF) provides funding for projects which ensure more environmentally-responsible conduct by the University and reduce the University's negative impact on the environment. TGIF allocates funds to projects that increase the amount of renewable energy used on campus, increase energy efficiency, and reduce the amount of waste created by our University. Portions of the fund will support education initiatives, student aid (via return to aid), and internships. TGIF is administered through a student majority governance board. The Green Initiative Fund (TGIF) was the first "green fee" in the UC system. It was created by students in the spring of 2006 with a charge to reduce the University's impact on the environment. Students voted with an overwhelming majority to pay $2.60 more per quarter, contributing approximately $182,000 a year towards TGIF. The fee was renewed in the spring of 2010 for another four years.




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Human Subjects Committee - (No Openings)
Responsible for establishing and administering a policy on the protection of human subjects has been delegated by the Chancellor to the Human Subjects Committee. No activity involving human subjects is to be undertaken unless the HSC has reviewed and approved such activity. Even if the Committee approves an activity it may prescribe restrictions or conditions under which the activity must be conducted, particularly as it relates to children, prisoners, or other special population groups. The Committee will review the conduct of the activities at timely intervals. The nature and frequency of reviews will be determined on the basis of the risks involved to assure that the activity is being properly conducted and that the Committee's stipulations are fulfilled. Continuing activities must be reviewed at least annually. The Committee may order the suspension of any approved activity if, in its opinion, the relative risks outweigh the potential benefits.




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Income and Recharge Committee - (No Openings)
The Income and Recharge Committee advises the Executive Vice Chancellor on all matters related to rate structures proposed by campus service units for their goods and/or services. The Income and Recharge Committee reviews all rates except those set up by regulatory bodies and rates subject to control through other University policies. During this review the Committee considers rate decisions based on comparisons to organizations providing similar services or goods from within the community to avoid the appearance of unfair competition with local and private enterprise. The Committee insures that rates are set to consider full cost recovery. For self-sustaining activities, consideration shall be given to amortization of indebtedness and depreciation of equipment and facilities. In conjunction with the annual budget process, the committee reviews all requests for changes in rates, services and activities to insure that they reflect current needs and are consistent with University guidelines and policy.




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Information Technologies Board - (No Openings)
This board works within the Office of Information Technology. Their main goals are to maintain and improve the infrastructure and backbone of the Univeristy's IT programs. To develop new and improved methods of IT organization and continue with the development of the Optical Network Initiative (ONI).




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Intercollegiate Athletics Policy Board - (No Openings)
The IAPB is responsible for formulating policy proposals on intercollegiate athletics and making recommendations on such policies to the Chancellor. It is expected that this procedure includes research into athletic policy of national organizations (NCAA, etc.) and of other university campuses and in consultation with the UCSB campus community. It is the responsibility of the committee to consider applicable state and federal legislation regulating intercollegiate athletics when recommending policies to the Chancellor.




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La Cumbre Publications Board - (No Openings)
The La Cumbre Publications Board shall oversee the financial and administrative matters associated with the publications which comprise La Cumbre, including printed, digital, and all other forms. The Publications Board shall insure the continued quality and proper management of La Cumbre. The Publications Board shall assume the role of publisher of this publication.




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Landscape Review Committee - (No Openings)
Sit on the Chancellor's sub-committee of the Design Review Committee! Represent student voices and make sure Administration makes student issues a priority and we have voice in decision-making.




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Landscape/biotic environment - (No Openings)
Integrate sustainable landscape management practices through incorporation of ecological principles which reduce energy and freshwater use and limit stormwater runoff and toxic chemical use while retaining local ecological values, providing educational opportunities and fulfilling recreational needs and aesthetic standards on the UCSB main campus.
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Natural Reserve System Committee - (No Openings)
hrough the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research, recommends to the Chancellor concerning management of sites administered by the campus; recommends to the Systemwide committee concerning management policies and potential reserve sites; reviews activities of the reserve advisory committees for those reserves assigned to this campus, and assumes any other responsibilities which may fall within its purview.




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Radiation Safety Committee - (No Openings)
Provides advice to the Vice Chancellor, Administrative Services concerning: radiation safety; governmental regulations; policies and procedures relating to the use of ionizing radiation; purchase of sources using ionizing radiation; resolution of potential safety problems; program elements, costs, and funding; maintains a file with the State of California of names of the members of the Committee; and maintains the Radiation Safety Manual.




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Recreation Center Governance - (1 Open Position)




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Recreation Center Governance Board: Student Representative

Openings: 2
Length: 2024-2025 Academic Year

The Recreation Center Governance Board addresses policies governing the Recreation Center’s purpose and image, facilities, services, programs, activities, scheduling, access and establishes user fees. It reviews and has full authority over the operation and development of the Recreation Center with respect to any matters involving policy, and has authority for approval of the annual Recreation Center budget. The Board is involved only in policy-making; implementation of the policy is a function of Recreation Center management. The Student Representative shall serve to represent student views and needs on the Governance Board.

To Apply, login with your UCSB NetID

Renewable Energy Efficiency Initiative Governance Board - (No Openings)
The Student Services Renewable Energy Initiative will enable the campus to undertake a comprehensive, innovative Zero Net Energy (ZNE) initiative that will combine increased energy efficiencies with the use of clean, renewable energies. The project will also achieve the highest level of Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification for most of the Division of Student Affairs buildings. Through the initiative, the campus will: 1) become a leading promoter in the use of ZNE to address significant environmental and economic challenges, 2) significantly reduce use of fossil fuels and carbon emissions, 3) gain greater energy independence, 4) help meet UCSB Climate Action Plan goals for a carbon neutral campus by 2050, and 5) direct a significant proportion of savings generated from this initiative to student services.




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Restorative Justice Committee - (No Openings)
The restorative justice concept, as a complementary means to existing conduct processes of addressing and resolving bias/hate issues and incidents, has been discussed and endorsed by the Advisory Council on Campus Climate, Culture and Inclusion. With the support of the Office of the Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs and the Office of Student Life, I would like to move forward with forming a committee that will help implement and maintain a restorative justice program here at UC Santa Barbara. It would be most helpful if you could provide me with at least two undergraduate nominees for the important committee. It would also be helpful if the nominees had an interest or involvement in issues of campus climate, diversity, tolerance and inclusion, or restorative justice. Thank you for your assistance. I value and appreciate the time Associated Students spends on these requests. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact my assistant, Kevin McCauley, at x8182 or




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Sierra Madre Building Committee - (No Openings)
We are convening a building committee for the Sierra Madre student housing project. This will build 115 apartments for undergraduate students and 36 apartments for faculty and staff rentals. This project was originally planned for a private developer's project, but that proved to be infeasible. As such it has returned as a University project, but is near completion of design. We hope to start construction this coming spring.




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Small Boat Operations Committee - (No Openings)
The purpose of boating operation procedures and standards is to help ensure that all boating is conducted in a safe and effective manner and to set forth standards for training. I like small boats and I cannot lie.




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Smoke Free Campus Advisory Committee - (No Openings)
Work with the Chancellor to help implement a smoke-free policy on campus.




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Student Fee Advisory Committee - (No Openings)




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Student Health Advisory Committee - (No Openings)
Has been established to allow students to examine, evaluate, and make specific recommendations to the Student Health Service (SHS) Director on issues relevant to the operation of the UCSB Student Health Service.




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Student Resource Building Governance Board - (No Openings)
Campus Advisory Committee which focuses on the maintenance of the Student Resource Building as well as communication between the different student-run programs which operate from the SRB
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Student/Faculty Conduct Committee - (No Openings)
Reviews matters of student conduct and recommends sanctions, if appropriate, to the Chancellor or designee. When requested by a Department, reviews student discipline in academic matters and/or recommends appropriate sanctions. Reviews requests for re-admission of students who have been suspended for disciplinary reasons and recommends to the Chancellor. Registered campus organizations are required to comply with University policies and campus regulations enumerated in Chapters I-IV of the University of California Santa Barbara Campus Regulations Applying to Campus Activities, Organizations, and Students, or they will be subject to sanctions for violation of such policies and regulations. Furthermore, from time to time, there is a need for a representative body to interpret these regulations when disputes regarding their meaning arise. The Student/Faculty Committee on Student Conduct will manage these two functions (i.e., organizational discipline and regulation interpretation).




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Sustainability Work Group - (No Openings)
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University Center Governance Board - (No Openings)
The charge of the University Center Governance Board will include, but is not limited to, operations decisions, space allocations, budget, personnel, programming, satellite operations, investments, purpose and image, facilities, services, programs, activities, etc. It shall review and have full authority over the operations and development of the Center with respect to any matters involving policy, including short and long term planning for the financial viability of the UCen. The Board shall be involved in all aspects of the budget process and shall approve the annual UCen budget, business plan, and pricing structures. Implementation of policy will be a function of University Center management. The Board shall not be involved in daily management practices nor impair management's ability to implement timely business decisions which are consonant with the fiduciary responsibilities outlined in this charge and reflected in the UCen's budget and business plan. The relationship with and jurisdiction of the Office of the Chancellor and the designated Associate Vice Chancellor shall include, but not be limited to, ensuring that sound fiscal policies are adhered to and that the decisions of the Board are in compliance with the University's mission, policies, and procedures. Decision of the Board are subject to review and final approval of the Chancellor or the appropriate Associate Vice Chancellor's Office.




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