Keyword: Programming

Financial Relations Officer

  • attend bi-weekly senate meetings to discuss the commission’s financial strategic planning and budget concerns
  • inform fellow commissioners about these budget changes and concerns
  • help to plan and actively coordinate events and activities for the commission given the allotted budget for the quarter and for the upcoming year

Deputy Chief of Staff

Organize and manage the Associated Students Executive Fellowship as outlined in Article XVI of the A.S. By-laws with the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Office of the President.

Assist the Chief of Staff in the execution of their duties.

Be responsible for the function of the Office of the Internal Vice President fellows.

Serve a minimum of four (4) office hours per week dedicated to fulfilling all responsibilities of the position.

Serve a term of one (1) academic year.

Chief of Staff

Attend all meetings on the IVP’s behalf when the IVP cannot attend.

Be responsible for the general administrative and clerical functions of the IVP office.

Shall be responsible for maintaining a binder with copies of all requisitions for the IVP office.

Organize and facilitate weekly staff meetings and quarterly retreats.

Check in with office staff at least three (3) times per quarter to provide support and guidance in their work.

Serve as the official Associated Students representative to the following Academic Senate and Administrative Advisory Committees: Council on Planning and Budget.

Stay informed on all actions, legislations, and pending business of the Academic Senate and, to the best of their ability, advocate on behalf of students when issues that affect students are discussed.

Serve a minimum of four (4) office hours per week dedicated to fulfilling all responsibilities of the position.

Shall communicate extensively with the Academic Affairs component at each University of California student government.

Attends all interviews involving Committee on Committees appointments pertaining to Academic Senate (Sub) Committees and Academic Planning and Review Panel student representatives.

Isla Vista Tenants Union: Technology Director

Please apply using this link: IVTU Application 2022 


The IVTU Technology Director is primarily concerned with the maintenance of IVTU’s websites. This means updating the IVTU main website, as well as its Spanish and Mandarin versions. The Director is also the lead on other TU projects such as Rate My IV Rental.


1) Attends weekly IVTU meetings.

2) Attends IVTU-sponsored events to the best of their ability.

3) Spends a minimum of three (3) regularly scheduled hours per week at the IVTU office working on IVTU-related business or casework.

4) Work on at least two (2) IVTU projects per quarter.

5) Table at least (1) hour per quarter.

6) Manage and update the IVTU website regularly, as well as any other sites managed by IVTU, including but not limited to “Rate my IV Rental”. 

7) Facilitate and moderate the “Rate my IV Rental” website.

8) Actively work to improve and adapt the websites, and supplement the services offered on the websites to make them more efficient and user-friendly.


SAG: Commissioner of Community and Climate

 Duties and Powers of the Commissioner of Community and Climate:

1. The Commissioner of Community and Climate, shall be appointed by the Student Advocate General and approved by simple majority (50% +1) of Senate.

2. The C.C. Commissioner shall serve a term of at least four (4) quarters over the span of two (2) academic years, beginning in Winter Quarter of each academic year.

a) The outgoing SAG shall recommend that the same C.C. Commissioner from their administration be appointed by the incoming SAG to serve their first quarter in office.

3. Works with the Office of the Student Advocate to facilitate bonding events within the OSA to curate a positive working environment among staff members, duties include but are not limited to:

a) Attend at least two (2) meetings per month as a member of the Commission of A.S. Community and Climate.

i. The C.C. Commission will be responsible for helping the Committee on Committees plan at least one (1) A.S. wide bonding event in the given school year.

b) Coordinate at least one (1) bonding event per month within the OSA.

i. These events should be limited in cost in order to preserve the budget of student fees for relevant projects within the office.

ii. These events are not mandatory for staff members to attend, but attendance should be highly encouraged within the office.

c) Plan at least three (3) executive-wide bonding events between all five (5) A.S. Executive Offices with the C.C. Commission.

i. These events should be held quarterly (1 each quarter), with a budget split between each executive offices’ special projects funding. This money is under the discretion of each executive officer. The commission must work with all executive officers for final decisions and allocations of money.

4. Administer three (3) mid-quarter evaluations (1 each quarter) within the OSA to analyze staff climate, and must report this information during OSA’s office meetings.

a) The C.C. Commissioner should work with the OSA’s Head of Staff, External Deputy Head of Staff and Internal Deputy Head of Staff as well as all other necessary members to analyze each general member’s sustainments and improvements within their position.

b) General members must fill out these evaluations to analyze the Student Advocate General, Head of Staff, External Deputy Head of Staff and Internal Deputy Head of Staff, any other necessary members, and the climate within the general office.

c) These analyses must be utilized by the C.C. Commissioner to create plans to alleviate any grievances a member may have within the office.

d) Except in cases of mandated reporting, the C.C. Commissioner is required to keep all evaluation results confidential and anonymous. During discussions of evaluation results confidential and anonymous. During discussions of evaluation results between office members or within the C.C. Commission, all names must be kept anonymous to maintain the privacy of each individual. Discussions must be focused on the improvement of office climate and individual growth of office members.

e) The C.C. Commissioner is required to report any concerning feedback such as threat of harm to themselves and should be able to recommend resources such as Title IX, CAPS, etc. For instances of abusive conduct or bullying, the C.C. The Commissioner is required to report such actions to the Conduct & Ethics Committee.

5) Shall hold at least two (2) office hours per week

Office of the Student Advocate General: Polling Analysts

1) Be responsible for conducting quarterly polls pertaining to political dialogues,  periodic needs-assessments, and/or the development of office projects  within  for the benefit of the Association and the UCSB community.      a) Work to develop, improve, and enhance polling methodologies and implementations within the OSA. b) Work closely with the community outreach coordinators in developing and executing quarterly polls. c) Must work with community outreach coordinators to outline a detailed plan and timeline to successfully conduct the quarterly polls. d) The approval of the proposed plans for polls and projects will come at the discretion of the External Chief of Staff, with the final approval of the Student Advocate General.         2) Be responsible for executing a detailed analysis of quarterly polls. a) Be able to present this analysis both mathematically and rhetorically to the Student Advocate General, OSA Office, and other AS entities, including Senate.         3) Serve as a representative to communicate with the student body, AS offices, and AS Entities regarding polling data to ensure understanding of all analyses and conclusions.         4) Serve a term of one (1) academic year.     5) Serve a minimum of four (4) office hours per week dedicated to fulfilling all responsibilities of the position.

Office of the Student Advocate General: Policy Analyst

1) Assist the Student Advocate General with presenting the position of the Associated Students to the University’s administration concerning student rights, campus rules, and other areas of student conduct. 2) Assist the Student Advocate General in presenting the position of the office to the Associated Students Senate. 3) Will create quarterly reports with the Student Advocate General and will present alongside the Student Advocate General to the Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs, Judicial Affairs director, Chancellor, UCPD and Director of Title IX. 4) Responsible for organizing and operating the Associated Students Executive Fellowship alongside the Chief of Staff and Deputy Chiefs of Staff. 5) Assist the Chief of Staff in the execution of their duties. a) Will be responsible for conducting meetings if SAG, Chief of Staff, Internal Deputy Chief of Staff and/or External Deputy Chief of Staff are not present. 6) Serve a minimum of four (4) office hours per week dedicated to fulfilling all responsibilities of the position. 7) Serve a term of one (1) academic year.

Office of the Student Advocate General: Internal Deputy Chief of Staff

1) Responsible for organizing and operating the Associated Students Executive Fellowship
alongside the External Chief of Staff.
2) Be responsible for the administrative tasks of the office in collaboration with the External
Deputy Chief of Staff (taking minutes, scheduling meeting times, organizing files, etc).
3) Assist the Chief of Staff in the execution of their duties
a) Will be responsible for conducting meetings if the SAG and Chief of Staff are not
available with External Deputy Chief.
4) Serve as a liaison with the other AS entities to make sure there’s a clear communication
between all AS offices with the OSA office
5) Serve as a liaison and overseer of caseworkers (all divisions) to Student Advocate
General, Chief of Staff, External Deputy Chief of Staff, and to the entire campus
6) Serve a minimum of four (4) office hours per week dedicated to fulfilling all
responsibilities of the position.
7) Serve a term of one (1) academic year.

SAG: Head of Staff

Duties and Powers of the Head of Staff:

1. Specialize in internal office affairs maintaining, including the day to day operations of the OSA and all other communication. This includes, but is not limited to, the assignment and follow up of case work in coordination with the Division Directors and advising organizations.

2. Assist in all duties performed by the Student Advocate General as requested.

3. Be responsible for planning and implementing all staff training sessions.

4. Serve as one of the office policy specialists.

a) Be proficiently knowledgeable of University and system wide policies, rules, and regulations.

b) Assist the Student Advocate General with presenting the position of the Associated Students to the University’s administration concerning student rights, campus rules, and other areas of student conduct, regulations.

5. Track and oversee the progress of quarterly projects of office projects and casework intake.

6. Ensure that office staff members are attending campus events, club and organization meetings, and meetings with administration respective to their positions.

7. Will be responsible for conducting meetings if SAG is not available.

8. Hold a minimum of six (6) office hours per week dedicated to fulfilling all responsibilities of the position.

9. In the event that the Office of the Student Advocate becomes vacant, the chief shall lead the office staff and ensure the office operates until a new SAG is duly elected.

10. Serve as a member of the Conduct and Ethics Committee (CEC) whenever necessary.

a. Active only when the OSA is presented with an alleged breach of Policy 1.

b. Serve a non-partisan position when active in the CEC. c) Shall attend a training on the understanding of unconscious bias.

11. Serve a term of one (1) academic year.


Apply Here:


Co-Chairs must attend Take Back the Night’s meetings, as well as one AS Assembly and one Senate meeting per quarter provide a report on TBTN’s status. Co-Chairs are responsible for facilitating events, campaigns, and projects put on by TBTN, including the annual Spring Rally.

Isla Vista Tenants Union: Vice Chair

Please apply using this link: IVTU Application 2022 


1) Records and distributes the minutes for weekly IVTU Committee meetings.

2) Attends at least two (2) IVTU sponsored events.

3) Spends a minimum of two (2) regularly scheduled hours per week at the IVTU office working on IVTU-related business.

4) Assists with the Committee’s special projects, including, but not limited to, Rental Housing Roundtable.

5) Assists the IVTU Chairperson in ensuring that IVTU Committee projects progress efficiently and successfully.

6) Assumes the Chairperson’s responsibilities in leading meetings and all other important IVTU business affairs due to Chairperson’s absence.

7) Assists in the completion of the budget packet for the following year.

8) Assists the IVTU Chairperson as directed.

9) Serve as a liaison between IVTU and other organizations.

10) Table at least one (1) hour per quarter.

Isla Vista Tenants Union: Outreach Director

Please apply using this link: IVTU Application 2022 


1) Attends weekly IVTU Committee meetings.

2) Attends at least two (2) IVTU-sponsored events to the best of their ability.

3) Spends a minimum of two (2) regularly scheduled hours per week at the IVTU office working on IVTU-related business.

4) Coordinates a minimum of two (2) outreach presentations to promote IVTU within the University and local community.

5) Maintains contacts with student and non-student community, including the Spanish-speaking community, and act as an information source for IVTU’s activities.

6) Coordinates local outreach efforts of the IVTU.

7) Represents IVTU at least three (3) community meetings such as IV Community Network, IVCSD, Isla Vista elementary school PTA meetings, and others per quarter.

8) Table at least one (1) hour per week.

9) Implement social media strategies in partnership with the Marketing Director and grow online supporter base and traffic.

Isla Vista Tenants Union: Marketing Director

Please apply using this link: IVTU Application 2022 


The IVTU Marketing Director is primarily focused on the publicity and messaging of the TU. This includes the creation of graphics, the maintenance of social media, and IVTU merch. The Marketing Director is essential to connecting with Isla Vista tenants. This Director is the link between the workings of the board and the tenant, crafting newsletters and distributing them that inform tenants of what IVTU is doing and how to get help.


Legal Code & Notes

1) Attend weekly IVTU meetings.

2) Attends IVTU-sponsored events to the best of their ability.

3) Spends a minimum of three (3) regularly scheduled hours per week at the IVTU office working on IVTU-related business or casework.

4) Work on at least two (2) IVTU projects per quarter.

5) Table at least (1) hour per quarter.

6) Work with media outlets to publish timely IVTU-related information, such as press releases, brochures, and other materials.

7) Develop and execute the advertising, marketing, and promotion plans of the TU. 

8) Publish IVTU educational materials for public distribution online and in print.

9) Regularly evaluate the marketing inventory and make recommendations to the Board. Purchase new marketing materials.

10) Maintain and continuously update a file containing all marketing materials.

11) Manage all IVTU social media, including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

12) Manage and update the IVTU mailing list. Create and send out monthly newsletters to tenants.

Isla Vista Tenants Union: Legal Director

Please apply using this link: IVTU Application 2022 


I) Duties of the IVTU Legal Director:

1) Attend weekly IVTU meetings.

2) Attends IVTU-sponsored events to the best of their ability.

3) Spends a minimum of three (3) regularly scheduled hours per week at the IVTU office working on IVTU-related business or casework.

4) Work on at least two (2) IVTU projects per quarter.

5) Table at least (1) hour per quarter.

6) Act as a liaison and maintain a highly productive relationship with A.S. Legal Resource Center, A.S. Lobby Corps and the EVPSA Office. Establish and maintain relationships with the IVCSD and county representatives.

7) Oversee the legal matters of IVTU business, review legal documents, and advise the IVTU Board.

8) Assist the IVTU Board in the development and implementation of legislation, with guidance from the LRC and A.S. Advisors.

9) Oversee all IVTU legal education efforts.

Isla Vista Tenants Union: Human Resource Director

Please apply using this link: IVTU Application 2022 


1) Attend weekly IVTU meetings.

2) Review and make recommendations to IVTU the Board for improvement of the Manual’s policies, procedures, and practices.

3) Review IVTU Legal Code and Manual regularly, make recommendations on additions/ changes to the Board.

4) Coordinate event staffing for IVTU events and regularly update the IVTU and A.S. event calendars.

5) Organize and participate in staff development for the IVTU through retreats, training, travel, and educational opportunities.

6) Community outreach to find volunteers as well as provide training and orientation for volunteers.

7) Recruit and match new talent to organizational needs and opportunities.

8) Conduct quarterly in-person check-ins with each board member to follow project progress and personal well-being.

9) Spends a minimum of two (2) regularly scheduled hours per week at the IVTU office working on IVTU-related business.

10) Table at least (1) hour per quarter

Isla Vista Tenants Union: Finance Director

Please apply using this link: IVTU Application 2022 


1) Attend weekly IVTU meetings

2) Analyze and present financial reports in an accurate and timely manner; oversee all financial, project/program and sponsorship accounting. Maintain a current balance on IVTU budget line items.

3) Assists in the completion of the budget package for the following year.

4) Regularly assess all IVTU’s financial plans, contracts, sponsorships, and potential investments; monitor progress and keep the Board informed of the organization’s financial status.

5) Advise on and execute the Boards’ financial decisions. Update and implement all necessary business policies and accounting practices.

6) Improve the finance department’s overall policy and procedures in the IVTU Manual.

7) Create and maintain a strong relationship with A.S. Assistant Director for Finance and Budgets. Assist other Board members with completion of financial transactions.

8) Spends a minimum of two (2) regularly scheduled hours per week at the IVTU office working on IVTU-related business. 

9) Table at least (1) hour per quarter 

Isla Vista Tenants Union: Community Resident Director

Please apply using this link: IVTU Application 2022 


1) Attend weekly IVTU meetings.

2) Identify issues faced by community members and create solutions to address the problems.

3) Ensure that broader IV community is represented in IVTU decision making.

4) Consistently hold office hours in open community space and provide resources to community members.

5) Make sure that all IVTU events are all inclusive – making sure that translation services are available.

6) Spends a minimum of two (2) regularly scheduled hours per week at the IVTU office working on IVTU-related business.

7) Table at least (1) hour per quarter.

Isla Vista Tenants Union: Chair

Please apply using this link: IVTU Application 2022 


1) Attends, facilitates, and sets the agenda for weekly IVTU Committee meetings.

2) Attends at least two (2) IVTU-sponsored events.

3) Spends a minimum of three (3) regularly scheduled hours per week at the IVTU office working on IVTU-related business.

4) Ensures that IVTU Committee projects progress efficiently and successfully.

5) Assists in the completion of the budget package for the following year.

6) Facilitates the nomination and election of the officers for the following year.

7) Ensures that University and Associated Students policies and procedures are followed.

8) Determines, with guidance from the IVTU advisor, the eligibility of IVTU officers applying for honoraria.

9) Record and distribute the minutes for weekly IVTU Committee meetings.

10) Table at least one (1) hour per quarter.