Isla Vista Tenants Union: Chair

Please apply using this link: IVTU Application 2022 


1) Attends, facilitates, and sets the agenda for weekly IVTU Committee meetings.

2) Attends at least two (2) IVTU-sponsored events.

3) Spends a minimum of three (3) regularly scheduled hours per week at the IVTU office working on IVTU-related business.

4) Ensures that IVTU Committee projects progress efficiently and successfully.

5) Assists in the completion of the budget package for the following year.

6) Facilitates the nomination and election of the officers for the following year.

7) Ensures that University and Associated Students policies and procedures are followed.

8) Determines, with guidance from the IVTU advisor, the eligibility of IVTU officers applying for honoraria.

9) Record and distribute the minutes for weekly IVTU Committee meetings.

10) Table at least one (1) hour per quarter.

Position Length: 1 Academic Year
Number of Openings: 1

To Apply, please login with your UCSB NetID