Take Back the Night: External Chair

Duties and Powers of the Co-Chair:

  1. At least one (1) chair shall attend at least one Senate meeting a quarter and give a report on the current status of the Committee.
  2. At least one Take Back the Night Co-Chair shall attend all BCC Chair Council Meetings.
  3. Shall build coalitions to ensure statewide actions, campaigns, and projects are enacted on UC Santa Barbara campus.
  4. Shall hold two (2) regularly scheduled office hours per week.

Duties and Powers of the External Chair:

  1. Shall handle public relations for the committee and shall be the official spokesperson for the committee.
  2.  Shall facilitate collaboration between the committee, administrators and Office of Student Life (OSL) organizations.
  3.  Shall work with the Publicity Coordinator to advertise and publicize events and membership within the committee.

Position Length: One Academic Year
Number of Openings: 1

To Apply, please login with your UCSB NetID