The Pardall Center Shared governance board serves the Pardall Center which is funded by UCSB’s associated students. This board meets to discuss and come up with solutions and policies regarding the Pardall Center with respect to the Isla Vista community. This board is also in charge of managing the Pardall Center’s budget. Serving on this board is a great way to gain knowledge of the policies and the culture that is Isla Vista and its relation to Associated Students as well as the University.
The Treasurer Shall:
1) Shall keep and maintain, or cause to be kept and maintained, adequate and correct books and records of accounts of the properties and business transactions of the Pardall Center Governance Board.
2) Shall prepare the Board’s budget for the following year in conjunction with the Chair and Vice-Chair.
3) Shall give a weekly fiscal report to the Board.
4) Shall be responsible for collecting all requisitions and returning them to the Chairs.
5) Must complete requisition forms for any OSL that has been approved funding by the board within a week of the meeting in which it was approved.
6) Attend one A.S. Finance and Business Committee meeting per quarter.
7) Hold one (1) office hour per week at the Pardall Center.
Position Length: 1 Academic Year
Number of Openings: 1