The Community Outreach Liaisons will focus on bridging the gap between campus orgs, AS
entities, student groups, and the EVPSA office to help carry out the office’s goals.
1) Serve as a liaison to the local Isla Vista/Goleta/Santa Barbara nonprofits, organizations,
and other groups as needed to support the campaigns and efforts organized by the
Organizing Director.
2) Maintain consistent working relationships between the Organizing Director and all
aforementioned student and local groups, serving as the primary point of contact.
3) Serve as a liaison to the A.S. Student Commission on Racial Equity, A.S. Commission on Marginalized Genders, A.S. Trans & Queer Commission, A.S. Student Initiated Recruitment and Retention
Committee, and A.S. Environmental Affairs Board.
4) Attend all EVPSA staff meetings and quarterly retreats.
5) Attend all Organizing Staff meetings.
6) Serve two (2) office hours per week.
7) Serve a term of one (1) academic year.
Position Length: 1 Academic Year
Number of Openings: 2