The Green Initiative Fund (TGIF) provides funding for projects which ensure more environmentally-responsible conduct by the University and reduce the University’s negative impact on the environment. TGIF allocates funds to projects that increase the amount of renewable energy used on campus, increase energy efficiency, and reduce the amount of waste created by our University. Portions of the fund will support education initiatives, student aid (via return to aid), and internships. TGIF is administered through a student majority governance board.
The Green Initiative Fund (TGIF) was the first “green fee” in the UC system. It was created by students in the spring of 2006 with a charge to reduce the University’s impact on the environment. Students voted with an overwhelming majority to pay $2.60 more per quarter, contributing approximately $182,000 a year towards TGIF. The fee was renewed in the spring of 2010 for another four years.